While everyone undoubtedly agrees that Grill was the greatest electronic
'ZINE in the history of Electronic 'ZINES, not even Grill was perfect.
As hard as it may be to believe now, there was a time when I occasionally
got angry about things, and wrote about them for no reason. And for that,
I sincerely apologize.
However, I still honestly and truly believe that my Trade Wars parody
in Grill #11 is the funniest thing anyone has ever written, at least as
far as anything relating to the epic history of BBSing.
Oh, and one other thing--the opening Grill ASCII logos, while fantastic
in every way something could BE fantastic in the original DOS-based view,
have lost roughly 100% of their readability via browser-based text fonts.
But that is half the fun, right?
Grill Issue #1 - The Horrible Beginning.
Grill Issue #2 - The Horrible Followup.
Grill Issue #3 - The Horrible New Wave.
Grill Issue #4 - The Horrible Comeback.
Grill Issue #5 - The Horrible Realization.
Grill Issue #6 - The Magnificent Rebirth.
Grill Issue #7 - The Horrible Apotheosis.
Grill Issue #8 - The Horrible Reworking.
Grill Issue #9 - The Horrible Barbeque.
Grill Issue #10 - The Horrible Crescendo.
Grill Issue #11 - The Horrible Final Ripoff.
I think it is official that every single contact e-mail listed in any of
these issues is now completely inaccurate; if you honestly for some reason
want to get into contact with any of these people, I can hook you up.